
You re Gonna Live Forever in Me Lirik John Mayer 2017

Selasa, 09 Apr 2024, 10:32:27 WIB - 195 View
You re Gonna Live Forever in Me Lirik John Mayer 2017

Lagu You’re Gonna Live Forever in Me adalah lagu yang dirilis pada tahun 2017 silam oleh penyanyi John Mayer. Lagu ini sangatlah populer pada masa itu terutama di kalangan para pecinta musik Rock di seluruh dunia. Dibawah ini merupakan lirik lagu dari John Mayer ini.



Lirik lagu John Mayer Gonna Live Forever : 

A great big bang and dinosaurs
Fiery raining meteors
It all ends unfortunately

But you’re gonna live forever in me
I’ll guarantee, just wait and see
Parts of me were made by you
And planets keep their distance too

The moons got a Grip on the Sea..
And you’re gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it’s your destiny

Life is full of sweet mistakes
And love’s an honest one to make
Time leaves no fruit on the tree
But you’re gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it’s just meant to be
And when the pastor asks the pews

For reasons he can’t marry you
I’ll keep my word and my seat
But you’re gonna live forever in me
I’ll guarantee, just wait and see

Itulah you're gonna live forever in me lirik lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh John Mayer populer dikalangan pecinta musik Rock diseluruh dunia.

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