
Lirik Lagu Niki Oceans and Engines Terkenal Penyanyi Indonesia Populer!

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2024, 11:31:52 WIB - 1711 View
Lirik Lagu Niki Oceans and Engines Terkenal Penyanyi Indonesia Populer!

Lagu Oceans and Engines ini merupakan lagu yang dibawakan oleh NIKI yang merupakan penyanyi tanah air terkenal dan populer. Lagu ini bahkan sempat dibawakan di panggung musik terkenal dunia yakni Coachella.




Lirik lagu NIKI : 

Saturday sunset

Were lying on my bed with five hours to go

Fingers entwined and so were our minds

Cryin, "I dont want you to go"


You wiped away your tears

But not fears under the still and clear indigo

You said, "Baby, dont cry, well be fine

Youre the one thing I swear I cant outgrow"


My mother said the younger me was a pretending prodigy

Well, nothing then, much has changed

Cause while youre wolfin down liquor

My soul, it gets sicker


But Im stickin to the screenplay

Gotta say Im okay, but answer this, babe

How is it now that somehow youre a strang?r?

You were mine just y?sterday


I pray the block in my airway dissipates

And instead deters your airplanes way

But heaven denied

Destiny decried


Something beautiful died

Too soon

But Im letting go

Im givin up the ghost


But dont get me wrong

Ill always love you, thats why

I wrote you this very last song

I guess this is where we say goodbye


I know Ill be alright

Someday Ill be fine

But just not tonight (ooh)

Plungin into all kinds of diversions


Like blush wine and sonorous soirées

But even with gin and surgin adrenaline

I see youre all that can intoxicate

Oceans and engines


Youre skilled at infringin on great love affairs

Cause now my hearts home

All Ive known is long gone and ten thousand miles away

And Im not okay


But Im letting go

Im giving up the ghost

But dont get me wrong

Ill always love you, thats why


I wrote you this very last song

I guess this is where we say goodbye

I know Ill be alright

But just not


Tonight was the first time I stared into seas

Of beguiling sepia two years ago

And the first time I learned real world superpowers lived in three words

They revitalize my fraying bones, oh


Now what do you do when your pillar crumbled down

Youve lost all solid ground

Both dreams and demons drowned

And this voids all youve found


And doubts light it aglow?

I have so many questions

But Im pouring them into the ocean

And Im starting up my engine


And Im letting go

Im givin up your ghost

Its come to a close

I marked the end with this last song I wrote


Im letting go

This is the last falsetto

Ill ever sing to you

My great lost love


Dan diatas itulah lirik lagu niki oceans and engines yang populer dan terkenal, bahkan memasuki panggung dunia!

Unidha Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Informatika Sony Sugema adalah Menjadi perguruan tinggi yang berwawasan global, unggul dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan rekayasa perangkat lunak. Program Studi Teknik Informatika dibuka pada Tahun 2001 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor : 141/D/O/2001 Tahun 2001. Pada tahun 2020 STTI Sony Sugema pindah lokasi ke karawang dengan SK perpindahan Nomor 789/M/2020 tentang izin perpindahan lokasi STTI Sony Sugema dari kota Bandung Ke Kabupaten Karawang yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan tunas Informatika Indonesia.
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