
Lirik Lagu 18 One Direction 2014 Silam yang Membuat Band ini Populer!

Jumat, 05 Apr 2024, 10:19:16 WIB - 395 View
Lirik Lagu 18 One Direction 2014 Silam yang Membuat Band ini Populer!

18 ini merupakan lagu yang membuat One Direction terkenal pada masa itu. Lagu ini merupakan lagu keempat yang masuk kedalam album FOUR (Deluxe) One Direction yang dirilis pada tahun 2014. Di antara lagu-lagu yang ada di album ini adalah Ready to Run, Fool’s Gold, dan Act My Age. Seperti apa Lirik lagu 18 yang dibawakan oleh One Direction ini? Tidakkah anda penasaran dengan lirik yang membuat band One Direction terkenal? Simak dibawah untuk mengetahui liriknya!

Lirik 18 (Eighteen) One Direction Populer 2014 : 

I Got a Heart and I Hot a Soul.
Believe me, I will use them both.
We made a start, be it a false one, I know.
Baby, I don’t want to feel alone.

So kiss me where I lay down.
My hands pressed to your cheeks.
A long way from the playground.

I Have Loved You Since We Were 18.
Long Before We Both Thought The Same Thing.
To Be Loved and To Be In Love.
All I Could do is Say That These Arms Were Made for Holding You.
I Wanna Love Like You Made Me Feel When We Were 18.

We took a chance.
God knows we tried.
Yet all along, I knew we'd be fine.

So pour me a drink, oh, love, Let's split the night wide open and we'll see everything.
We can livin' love in slow motion, motion, motion .

So kiss me where I lay down.
My hands pressed to your cheeks.
A long way from the playground .

I have loved you since we were 18.
Long Before We Both Thought The Same Thing.
To Be Loved and To Be In Love.
And All I Could do is Say That These Arms Were Made for Holding You, oh.

And I Wanna Love Like You Made Me Feel When We Were 18.
When we were 18.
Oh lord, when we were 18.

Kiss me where I lay down.
My hands press to your cheeks.
A long way from the playground.

I have loved you since we were 18.
Long Before We Both Thought The Same Thing.

To Be Loved and To Be In Love.
And All I Could do is Say That These Arms Were Made for Holding You.
I Wanna Love Like You Made Me Feel When We Were 18.
I Wanna Love Like You Made Me Feel When We Were 18.
I want a love like you made me feel.

When we were 18.

Bagaimana dengan lirik lagu 18 one direction diatas? sangat bagus sekali untuk dinyanyikan bukan? itulah lirik yang membuat band One Direction ini Populer!

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