
Lirik A Year Ago James Arthur Lagu Barat yang Populer di Dunia!

Senin, 13 Mei 2024, 11:48:13 WIB - 428 View
Lirik A Year Ago James Arthur Lagu Barat yang Populer di Dunia!

A Year Ago merupakan lagu yang dibawakan oleh James Arthur yang populer di Dunia ini, lagu yang satu ini dirilis pada tahun 2023 bulan April. Lagu ini memiliki makna yang sangat menyedihkan sekali karena bercerita tentang seorang pria yang berharap ingin kembali ke masa lalu untuk memperbaiki kesalahannya. Berikut ini adalah lirik lagunya!


Lirik A Year Ago : 

I miss you
Your name's still on my coffee cup
I miss you
The way you chose the films we watched
I miss you, babe
If only I had told you that before

Maybe I would never have to miss you
Singing by the kitchen sink
I miss you
Not knowing I was listening
I miss you, babe
You embody everything that I am not
And now I'm just somebody you forgot

I wish it was a year ago
I wish that I could hold you close
Now I'm driving past your house, I know
The lights are on, you're not alone

I wonder if you're making eyes
I wonder if he loves you like
The way you said that only I could do
I wish that I could tell you that I miss you

I miss you
The way you left my car a mess
I miss you
The way you took up half the bed
That empty space
You remind me of the things that I am not
And now I'm just somebody you forgot

I hope you're well
Oh and I can't help myself

I wish it was a year ago
I wish that I could hold you close
Now I'm driving past your house, I know
The lights are on, you're not alone

I wonder if you're making eyes
I wonder if he loves you like
The way you said that only I could do
I wish that I could tell you that I miss you
I wish that I could tell you that I miss you

I wish it was a year ago
I wish that I could hold you close
The way you said that only I could do
I wish that I could tell you that I miss you

Dan demikianlah lirik a year ago lagu dari james arthur untuk anda ketahui dan anda nyanyikan! Cobalah untuk menyanyikannya!

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